Custom Search - Privacy, Terms & Conditions
Danfo, Lagos, Nigeria.
(Sheyi Owolabi / Unsplash)
Privacy & User Information
Auxso does not at present analyze any user-provided information from its Custom Search service. Google Programmable Search Engine automatically provides Auxso with aggregated statistics showing the most popular searches on our Custom Search service in each time period; no detailed or individually identifiable information is provided or otherwise available to Auxso in this way. Google Analytics is available to Auxso for its Custom Search engine, and if at a future time Auxso decides to implement Google Analytics, guidance on this page will be updated accordingly.
Terms & Conditions
Auxso Custom Search is provided to the user on a cost-free, “as-is” basis for educational, non-profit-charitable, and other non-commercial use. Auxso specifically disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.